Mohanji is a globally renowned humanitarian who lives by the conviction "True wealth comes from what we give to this earth, not what we take from it.". Mohanji believes the best religion for humans is humanity and the best spiritual practice is Ahimsa (non-violence) in thought, word and action. 

Mohanji emphasises a lifestyle of purity, non-violence, unconditional love and selfless service towards fellow beings across species. “True mastery is the mastery of one’s own mind.” says Mohanji, who advocates the path of Pathlessness which is all about spontaneity and flow; being totally yourself!A non-conformist by nature, Mohanji avoids putting himself into frames and sees himself as a friend of the world – be it aiding those in need, empowering those in emotional or mental torment, guiding those seeking personal and spiritual development, or caring for the environment at large.

He is the founder of various charities and non-profit organisations that are formally registered in around 16 countries and activities in over 80 countries. 

Mohanji Foundation, Ammucare Charitable Trust, ACT Foundation, Himalayan School of Traditional Yoga, World Consciousness Alliance, Early Birds Club to name a few. These act as platforms for people to express their kindness and compassion through selfless acts that add value to society. 

In recognition of his contributions, Mohanji is an invited member of “Living Peace Foundation” of Netherlands. Mohanji Foundation is an invited member of the “Parliament of World Religions of United Nations” and the “Unity Earth” movements. He has received honours from several countries, including the “Seal of State” from Peru

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